GPー2001G|Pirani Vacuum Gauge|Vacuum Gauge|Products|ULVAC SHOWCASE

Digital display type pirani vacuum gauge, Pa/kPa switching

Pirani Vacuum Gauge GPー2001G


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GP-2001G is a constant-temperature Pirani vacuum gauge that works using the thermal conduction of gas. Digital output and set point output are provided standard, as vacuum system control features. To enable effective use of system panels, GP-2001G has been given a more compact design.


  • No re-calibration is needed after changing gauge head cable length.
  • Built-in temperature assurance circuit reduces effect of ambient temperature changes on specified values.
  • Independent set point output (3 points/GP-1000G, 2points/GP-2001G, GP-2002G)
  • BCD output (GP-1000G)
  • Wide range of power supply voltages (GP-1000G)
  • Conforms with CE


  • Pressure measurement for rough evacuation systems
  • Pressure monitors in evacuation systems
  • Process control for vacuum application devices


Model GP-1000G GP-2001G
Measurable pressure range 4.0×10-1 to 2.7×103Pa 0.4 to 3000Pa
Accuracy ±15%(5.1×101 to 7.6×102Pa)
±30%(1.0×101 to 1.0×103Pa)
±50%(4.0×10-1 to 2.7×103Pa)
Display LCD LED
Digital output BCD -
Communication serial RS-232C -
Measurement value output DC 0 to 10V linear output(103/102Pa f.s.) DC1.5 to 11.5V
1. Linear output 0 0 to 10V:
0 to 3000 Pa 0 to 22.5 Torr, 0 to 30 mbar
2. Linear output 1 0 to 10V:
0 to 1000 Pa 0 to 7.5 Torr, 0 to 10 mbar
3. Linear output 2 0 to 10V:
0 to 100 Pa 0 to 0.75 Torr, 0 to 1 mbar
Set points 3 points
Operating temperature range 10 to 40℃ (50 to 104°F)
Power supply voltage AC100V to 240V
Controller weight Controller: 1.0kg Controller: 0.4kg
Accessories Input / Output connector 1
Power cable 3m×1 3m×1(option)
Quick manual 1
Options WP-01、02、03、16、WPB Sensor head
GP-H、GP-BH+special cable(WPB-10-034)
Sensor head cable: 2、5、10、15、20、25、30、50、100m

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